YES GROUP: The Wembley Steps Project (engl.)
Prof. Chris Kemp
Mind Over Matter Consultancy Ltd
Prof. Chris Kemp ist wohl das, was man einen „alten Bekannten“ nennen würde – und wie immer hat er auch dieses Mal einen unterhaltsamen Mix aus Wissensvermittlung, praktischen und persönlichen Erfahrungen im Gepäck. Chris berichtet über das sogenannte „Olympic Steps“ Project, einer umfassenden Umplanung der Umgebung und Wegeführung rund um das berühmte Stadion. Es geht um die Berücksichtigung verschiedener Zuschauerbedürfnisse, der schnellen Entwicklung des Stadiumumfeldes im Hinblick auf öffentlichen Verkehr, Aufenthalts- & Verkehrsflächen für Fußgänger als auch das Nutzungsaufkommen – präsentiert durch die YES Group
The Steps Project Report provides an interesting perspective on a holistic view of the development of a safety concept which takes into consideration the accountability and responsibility of all of the stakeholders involved. It shows how the sharing of risk, and the development of an integrated Safety, Security and Service delivery can revolutionise a National Stadium. The creation of a team of expert professionals across all aspects of design, safety, security, crowd management, communications, service delivery, local authority mapping and a developer with an understanding of the aesthetics of the community. This project took on a life of its own as it follows the trials and tribulations of a team desperately working as a single unit to achieve their initial vision.
An effective review of testing protocols underpinned by rationales for delivery is an important part of any project. In the Wembley Steps Project each phase of the plan has been carefully presented, developed, delivered, and tested to ensure that the safest possible delivery of the iconic steps was undertaken. However, the team had ensured that both the known aspects linked to crowd behaviour and the nature of the crowd management concept would be robust enough to meet the prevailing threat and likelihood of a security or crowd management incident. Thus, the potential consequences of both a major and minor incident would be ameliorated.
The stakeholder team applied a “multi-layered” interdisciplinary approach which acknowledged that no single measure was either fool-proof or capable of mitigating every type of challenge. Security, crowd management, hostile mitigation delivery, capacity calculations and risk assessment measures were created commensurate with the level of risk, so were effective, holistic, practicable and sustainable. The final outcome has created a stadium with a gold standard fan delivery concept tried and tested at all levels and now tested to full capacity.